
                 The Department of Essential Studies is a part of the Faculty of Information Sciences and Humanities (ISH). The department was established as an independent full-fledged department from the Department of Humanities in March 2023. The department offers undergraduate courses in all engineering and information technology, basic sciences, management and social sciences, and architecture programs. The department is well-equipped with qualified faculty and significant academic needs. The teaching methodology at the department is a blend of theory and practice.


Aims and Objectives

                     In agreement with the university's mission of "Acquiring education and research excellence in engineering and allied disciplines to produce leadership and enable the application of knowledge and skills for the benefit of the society with integrity and wisdom," the Department of Essential Studies is committed to developing its capacity in all fields of essential studies to the broad array of multidisciplinary knowledge, i.e., Advanced Communication, Professional Development, Diversity of Human experience, Interfaith dialogue, Professional ethics, Information Literacy, Intercultural Competence, Professional Development, Critical Inquiry and Analysis, Futures studies, Qualitative Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Decision Making, and Conflict Management, Diversity & Cohesion, Justice & Law, and so on. Currently, The department offers 1) religious discipline, including studying sacred texts, histories, beliefs, practices, and ethics rooted in Deen e Islam, and 2) Pakistan Studies, the study extended to the history and future of Pakistan in terms of political, economic, scientific, and technological developments and Its relation with Muslim World and the rest of the world.

                          The department aims to facilitate undergraduate students of all university disciplines to develop them as knowledgeable, research-oriented, and skillful with a balanced analytical approach and worldview. Who should be able to serve humanity without any racial, regional, or religious differences or discrimination? The department's vision is to make them valuable citizens not only of their native land but a source of positive social change within the global village.


Message from Chairman


                 Welcome to the Department of Essential Studies at the NED University of Engineering & Technology (NEDUET) Karachi. We offer learners a visionary future that leads to accomplishments in both personal and professional life through academic excellence, rational & logical thinking, leadership skills, and total personality development in multi-facets, i.e., moral, social, cultural, and ethical values.

                The department's comprehensive scope covers a broad array of knowledge under the umbrella of social sciences, humanities, liberal arts, and emerging technologies. Hence, we intend to widen the horizon of the department by offering MS and Ph.D. programs and through the department's in-house activities, i.e., seminars, conferences, workshops, and expert lectures. Further, which will be extended to outreach activities. May Allah Subhanuhu enable us to deliver our best to develop our learners, society, and beloved country- Ameen.’

Dr. Abdul Hai Madni
Department of Essential Studies
NED University of Engineering & Technology

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Dr Madni
Dr Bilal
Dr Faraz
Dr Imrana
Dr Rahat
Ghaus sahib
Dr Madni
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Dr Madni
dr madni

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